Mar 5-6, 2020  |  12:00am - 12:00am

Best Start Conference 2020: Building Healthy Brains

Join Best Start by Health Nexus for a two day conference of keynotes, panels, co-learning and community engagement with the experts leading cutting-edge Brain Story and FASD research. Exchange knowledge about how building brain science into community programs is strengthening resilience and improving health and human services outcomes for everyone.

International speakers and panelists will share their experience living, studying, implementing and evaluating brain science programs in health (including mental health), education, justice and developmental sectors. This event will be an interactive forum to share future strategies for spreading brain science knowledge, program expertise and evaluation opportunities in Ontario.  

With cross-cutting themes of integrated service delivery, person-centred and culturally-safe care and inclusion, the Building Healthy Brains event promises to be an exciting, action-oriented conversation showcasing Ontario, Alberta, ACEs programs, national and international exemplars making progress through collaboration.

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